Tipu Sharif Life Story Will Melt Your Heart

Syed Yorguc Tipu Sharif, also recognized as Tipu Sharif, is a multi-talented Pakistani individual involved in various fields such as TV acting, modeling, anchoring, and songwriting. He initially entered the entertainment industry as a model, actively pursuing modeling from 1999 to 2001. Tipu Sharif ventured into the Pakistani drama scene in 2005 with his debut in the Aaj TV Soap “TV3 Karachi” and has since appeared in over 100 dramas. Few more things i want to add in introduction of  Tipu,  He is nephew of bollywood legend actor Syed Iftikhar Ahmad who worked with actors like Amitabh Bachchan and Rajesh Khanna. He himself share the post in which he mention Iftikhar as his Taya.

Turkish Magazine Published Life Story Of Model Actor Tipu Sharif

A Pakistani singer and songwriter recently shared the touching story of his late Turkish mother, whom he was reunited with after more than two decades of separation.

Syed Yörgüç Tipu Sharif, born in 1978, was separated from his Turkish fashion model mother, Hamret Tugberk, when he was just 6 months old due to her health issues. His mother had to return to Turkey for medical treatment, but his Pakistani father, Syed Mushtaq Sharif, did not allow her to take the baby with her.

Subsequently, Hamret Tugberk continued to send letters, cards, gifts, and clothing to the Turkish consulate in Pakistan in an attempt to connect with her son.

Shariff learned the truth about his biological mother when he was 9 years old, after his aunt, who had raised him as her own son, revealed the long-kept secret.

Fourteen years ago, at the age of 28, the Pakistani singer submitted his visa documents to the Turkish consulate in Pakistan for the first time to participate in a theater festival.

Upon receiving his visa, the consulate informed him that they had been attempting to find him for “28 years.” Sharif then journeyed to Turkey, where he finally met the woman who would alter the course of his life.

“When I was reunited with my mother, and she embraced me, gently patting my back… that’s when I truly understood the irreplaceable comfort of a mother’s touch,” Sharif shared with the News Agency.
“She faced health challenges, and my father lacked the patience to support her. It was a difficult situation back then. They were young and inexperienced in handling such matters. She attempted to take me with her, but my father arranged for me to stay with his sister,” he explained, emphasizing that there are no lingering resentments.

Hamret Tugberk had only 12 years with her son before she passed away in April 2019 due to lung cancer.