Home Schooling Trend

Home Schooling Trend

Recently home schooling has become a common practice In Pakistan. Homeschooling become a need for society after witnessing a rise in bullying and harassment cases in educational institutes. Unfortunately, all over the world children are victims of bad behavior by their teachers, class fellows, and schoolmates. As a writer I can share my own experience, i was a bit healthy kid compared to my classmates fellows, and during childhood, I faced a lot of criticism from the people around me. I remember not just class fellows but teachers used to criticize me for being overweight. I can’t focus on my studies due to their remarks. It was so heartbreaking. I cannot tell this thing to my parents about how I feel during school time. Now times have changed i become a mother and I don’t want to compromise on mental health of my children.

I recently observed that due to social media awareness, so many victims of school fellows come out of the box and share their side of stories. So many celebrities are now openly talking about this thing. Even one celebrity said that there should be different schools for children of famous people because their kids suffer a lot from their father’s profession. If a child’s father is an actor so why does he become prey to bullying? Even the famous actress Sarah Khan emphasized on importance of homeschooling, she had not admitted her 3.5-year-old daughter to school. She is giving her daughter homeschooling and not sending her to school. Maybe in the future, she will think about sending her daughter to school but at the moment she is giving lessons to her at home and has hired a special tutor for her.

No doubt that there are so many benefits of homeschooling like saving your children from an unwanted environment and you can give them a healthy atmosphere at their own home but the sad part is the financial stigma. Yes, you need a lot of finance to go for homeschooling. It’s not an easy task. If you are financially stable you can manage. You need a lot of resources and energy to manage a homeschooling environment for your kid. You need to design your lesson for your child according to his abilities. You have to hire a qualified home tutor and you have to become vigilant as a parent. Now you have two responsibilities like you are both his father mother and a teacher too. You have to work on your skills to be able to guide your child on the right path. You have to prepare examination papers or question papers for your child.

There are a few consequences if you completely rely on homeschooling. This might affect your children’s personalities. Their social skills will damaged as they will feel hesitant being in public and their communication skills will not be like those of normal children who go to school. At the moment this trend is on the rise in USA Canada and other Western world.. In Pakistan, there is a lot to work on this. Pakistani people are not more into mental health and such they are so blunt when it comes to criticizing someone. So we will end this article on a note of hope that Pakistan will be a great country for students and their parents too.