How Taxes Burduned People

How Taxes Burduned People

There is only a minority in Pakistan which is taxpayers. In Pakistan, taxes are like Europe but the corrupt system and negligence of people who control the tax system in Pakistan are the biggest reasons behind the failure of collecting taxes. It’s not like here people are less patriotic that’s why they avoid paying taxes but the truth is very different. In reality, Pakistanis want rewards for paying taxes, unfortunately, all governing bodies have failed to provide basic needs like cheap homes and shelter, food, and other stuff to its citizens. Most of their agenda is to collect maximum tax. You cannot run an economy on taxes and high electricity rates.

Taxpayers are the best citizens of this country, they don’t stop busses, they don’t go for strikes and they don’t fight with authorities, they pay their taxes on time. The sad part is no one is willing to listen to taxpayers. No one pays attention to the thing that how they can facilitate taxpayers. The way taxes are increasing here is different from inflation raises. For example, in case you got a promotion and your salary increased up to like 5 percent but inflation raised by 10 percent it’s not called a promotion. So taxes and inflation cannot allow you to enjoy a raise in your salary even if you cannot save much.

In Western countries, tax brackets rise according to inflation. Western countries like USA, Canada, and Europe care about their citizens. Due to the welfare policies of these progressive countries, people here are on top of the world’s most happy human index. In Pakistan, we are still following the old mindset which made their people vulnerable. The biggest misery of taxpayers is that they pay taxes twice. Taxpayers are paying both direct and indirect taxes. Just a think how person who lives with parents, wife, and 2 children can bear the burden of these taxes. How did he manage to pay medical bills for his old parent and school fees for his children?

Taxes like costume duties, GST, and taxes on real estate are the biggest headaches for the business community. These taxes are killing businesses and due to the inactivity of businesses jobs already vanished from the scene. We always talk about brain drain but do you know guys that because of these unjustified taxes and fewer opportunities our people leaving this country? Our geniuses like engineers, doctors, and scientists are forced to leave this country for a better future. The worst thing I observe in this system is they collect taxes from the middle class and pay them to poor people by announcing schemes like the Benazir Income support program which only facilitates poor people but what about the middle class who is paying direct taxes to the government. The government needs to start scheming to provide equal benefits to their people. Both the lower middle class and middle class should be rewarded. The government should give ease on loans for their citizens. The government should announce cheap solar systems so people can get rid of energy-producing companies who are looting in name bills.

The government should save our taxes by not facilitating politicians, members of parliament, and other officials who are getting free petrol, gas, and electricity units from the government.. government should stop buying luxurious cars and mobile phones for their employees and instead spend this money on the welfare of people.