in an Instagram post Sharmila expresses her emotions about the worst incident happened back in early 2000 when she was 16 year old.
this is what she wrote
I was 16 when I was arrested and thrown in a lock up..( pic on the left) it changed my life.. I had no choice but to stand up and fight the big bad world… sometimes being strong is not a choice, it’s your survival mode. It was mine too.. As a young girl brought up lovingly and protected by my family I knew little how to put up a fight. But hey, life teaches you to swim or sink.. so did I (pic on the right ) And here I am… strong , independent and fearless.. swimming away with the tide of life ♥️ Happy women’s day to all the survivors out there! Cheers 👋 #celebratinglife #happywomensday #sharmilafaruqi
Sharmila Farooqui remembers the most sad incident of her life. After that incident Sharmila got the courage to fight with world and become more stronger.Sharmila posted an image of herself when was 16 year old young girl and teenager. Sharmila was so courageous even at such young age. Now Sharmila is inspiration for all of us as she is successful politician and personality as well. She is mother of a boy now and happily married to Hasham. Sharmila has done alot for her country and we should admire her spirit.
Uudet kasinot vuonna 2024 ovat täällä räjäyttämässä tajuntasi! Koe adrenaliiniryöppy uusimpien kolikkopelien parissa ja lunasta upeat bonukset heti tänään.